The Old Geek Guy Goes Walking The older we get the more we need to be as physically flexible as posible. One way I do it is walking almost every morning. I usually walk 1 to 2 miles at about 20 minutes per mile. it's really helps me to keep my legs strong and it makes me feel good just to accomplish the walks. But, what does technology have to do with exercise. It's said that if two people exercise together it's easier to continue with the regimen, one encouraging the other. But, with the pandemia that has been very difficult. So having something that encourages me to continue is very helpful. That's where my Apple Watch and iPhone come in. I use the watch to track my walk each day and the watch automatically transfer the data to my iPhone so I can see my progress, not jus for a few days but, ever since I purchased my iPhone and watch. I don't advocate buying just the Apple products. That goes for watches phones tablets or com...